Barry Larkin
Year: 1997
Brand: Score
Parallel set: Artist's Proof Holofoil
Card number: 242
I have already shown off Larkin's regular base card from the 1997 score set
here and the premium stock parallel
here. Thus, this is my third version of Larkin's card #242 in the set...which is a lot but there is at least two more versions that have still eluded me.
As for today's card, what can I say? It's admittedly a pointless parallel - and it scans like crap. The flashy wavy design actually detracts from the simplistic vibe that is 1997 much so that this parallel feels like it simply doesn't belong in the set. I think I actually prefer the base card over this parallel - but as a player collector I am perfectly happy to at least own a copy of the parallel for my Larkin binder!
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