
Featured Post

So Long 2011, Hello 2012!

1999 UD Retro Box Break: Packs 7 and 8

Trade Stack 35: Let's Begin Another Stack!

1999 UD Retro: Packs 5 and 6

Trade Stack 34: A Sparkly Legend Variation Begins the New Stack.

Trade Stack 33: The Stack Continues to Grow!

UD Retro Box Break: Packs 3 and 4

Reason #945,223,256 Why I Love my Wife. (Or Merry Christmas Me)!

Delivery Time! A Long Lost Package from May 2011...

Delivery Time! The Make-Up of a Blog Trader (plus 21 Cards from Section 36)

Merry Christmas!

Delivery Time! Vintage Goodness from Steve!