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Review Week: Bipping

In the spirit of this week's theme (Review Week), let's review last year's blogging fad...

What is Bipping?

Well, according to some random Facebook group, Bipping is anything you want it to be.  However, in the card blogging world (or at least my neck of the world), a Bipping occurs when someone sends a package of cards that contains a whole bunch of one card (or sometimes of one player) that may or may not be desired (and were certainly not mentioned as part of the trade talks).  Bippings also have a tendency to occur out of the blue, completely unprovoked!

 Once you've reviewed the above lesson, I have your homework assignment.

Review this trade post from July of this year and then review this trade post from March of last year.  Draw your own conclusions.


  1. You trying to get this all started up again for all the new guys who missed the first round !!??

  2. Hmm, first a zip code roulette post, then a bipping post. Nah, they couldn't be related, right?

  3. Couldn't be. Not in the least.

    Bipping is kind of fun. Too bad it's less of a fad than planking. Ah, planking. Taking pictures of kids doing what they can't do in school - being perfectly still and quiet.


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