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The Barry Larkin Experiment: Round 1J (plus results)

Another two rounds of voting are in the books - and it's time to open up the vote for a new round!  First things first though, let's recap the last two rounds.

Round 1H:

Round 1H pitted four cards from 1993 against each other - but in the end it wasn't much of a competition as to which cards would move on (only which card would place first).  The '93 Stadium Club earned the victory with 8 votes (out of 15 total) while the '93 Select card landed a third of the votes which was enough for a commanding lead in second place.  Both of the 1993 Topps cards avoided total embarrassment by each landing a single vote...but the set as a whole went down in a pile of flames.

Round 1I:

In Round 1I, once again it was four cards from 1993 squaring off against each other.  This time, the first place card was the '93 Topps Black Gold which provided a bit of retribution for the '93 Topps set.  The '93 Upper Deck base card was a distant second while the Upper Deck subset card garnered one lousy vote.  The '93 Topps Black Gold winner card didn't get a single vote - but that wasn't surprising as that card kind of stinks now that it's an expired card!

With the last two rounds finished, it's time to begin Round 1J!

Here are your nominees - once again, the top two vote getters move on to the next round.

Round 1J:

1991 Score base:

The 1991 Score set is probably one of my favorite sets from the overproduced era.  Sure, there isn't anything valuable in the set (in terms of Beckett or really any value metric you wish) but it is a lot of fun!  The base cards are well-designed.  The front of the Larkin card, for instance, features a nice action shot while the back of the card has a close-up photo plus a rather nice write-up.  This is a worthy contender to move on to the next round for sure!

 2004 Leaf Certified White Warrior Relic:

Ah, here's a change of pace card.   The card is shiny, holds a piece of Larkin's jersey, and is serially numbered out of 200.  It's almost everything that the 1991 Score card isn't!  This is the second Larkin relic card to be featured in the countdown - the first one that was featured won it's pool...will the Leaf Certified relic do the same?

1990 Topps base:

Although I knew the beginning of the Barry Larkin Experiment would be a bit slow (in terms of variety), I also knew that by doing the seeding exactly in the order that I posted the cards we'd end up with a bunch of rounds with quite a variety of possible card options.  It should make the voting that much more interesting - and this round is shaping up to be the first of the "varied cards" round.  Unlike the '91 Score card, the 1990 Topps base Larkin card is about as old fashioned as you can get.  One photo (no action) plus a dull card back and plenty of statistics.  Will simplicity trump the shiny relic card or will 1990 Topps go the way of the Dodo Bird?

1992 Donruss base:
The 1992 Donruss set is both good and bad - so much of each in fact that I don't know whether I love, loathe, or lie somewhere in between in terms of my feelings toward the set.  As for the vote, I doubt that the '92 Donruss card has a chance against either the Score card or the relic, but I've been wrong before...

Now it's your turn - vote on the sidebar and help your favorite move on to the next round!


  1. I have to vote for the 92 Donruss for two reasons. First, I think it is an extremely under-appreciated set that broke a decade long streak of sameness for Donruss. Second and more importantly, how can you not vote for those kick ass striped socks?


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