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The Barry Larkin Experiment: Round 1X

You knew I had to have something to do with Barry Larkin this weekend, am I right?  It's time for the 24th vote-off in the first round of the great Barry Larkin Experiment.  For those of you who are new to the blog, this is a bracket style challenge to determine the best Barry Larkin cards (out of those I've written about so far in my collection).

In the previous round of voting, the 1991 Score Dream Team card took first place and moved on to the next round along with the runner-up, 1989 Upper Deck.  I don't think there was any super surprises in the vote, except that the ugly purple Classic card got a vote from someone...I can only hope that person's mouse slipped or something when they tried to click a different choice.

With the previous results out of the way, let's move on to the next round of voting!

Round 1X:

1993 Pinnacle:

Did anyone love Pinnacle back in the early 90s?  I know that I did not - though to be fair I hardly ever saw Pinnacle cards.  When I did see them though, they always struck me as kind of boring.  This card isn't terrible, but I don't see it making it out of the second round (even if it does manage to sneak by the first round).

2011 Topps:  60 Years of Topps:

From a boring base card of the early 90s to a boring insert card of the 00s.  The original version of the 1995 Topps Larkin card made it to the second round (in a tie for first) so perhaps this card will too.  I think that if Topps had only done one insert set like this (get rid of the Your Momma' cards, etc.), the card would have stood a much stronger chance of moving on to the future rounds.

1993 Hostess:

So far we have a early 90s base card, a Larkin insert, and now a Larkin "oddball."  It should make for an interesting vote!  This particular card is quite nice for an oddball card - the use of the team logo is striking given how most oddball sets (and Upper Deck - too soon?) can't use team logos.

1992 Leaf:

Our final contestant for Round 1X is another early 90s card.  Oh man, this is a tough vote full of rather boring cards isn't it?  I think it's safe to say the eventual winner will not originate from Round 1X!

Those are the choices - so go out and vote for the best card (or perhaps in this case, the least crappy card).


  1. I liked Pinnacle. The 1993 set was pretty great. A sleek, classy design.


  2. I like the "Running Reds Guy" logo and the Leaf has two of them. That's good enough for me.

  3. I thought Pinnacle was awesome when it came out. I bought everything in '92, but Pinnacle was probably my favorite.


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