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Trade Stack 9: Hittin' the Sweet Spot

Here is how this works:
Every so often (i.e. whenever I feel like it), I will add a card to a "Trade Stack".  Whenever the stack becomes appealing enough to someone, that person needs to comment on the post saying they'd like to claim the stack AND tell me which card they are sending off of my want list.  That's all you have to do - trade me ONE card (or more, of course) card from my want list for the entire stack of cards that I'm offering.  Each time, it will be first come, first serve...so act quickly (unless of course you are a gambler and hope to wait it out until there are 10+ cards in the stack that you want in exchange for a single 2004 UD Vintage card that I am looking for)!

The Trade Stack:
Last update:  2/23/11

I bought a tin of Sweet Spot a couple of years ago at Target - it was so disappointing to me that I've never touched the product since.  This particular addition to the trade stack was one of the cards in that tin...and quite honestly, it was probably one of the better cards that I got in the stupid tin.  I know lots of people like Sweet Spot, but clearly the set isn't for me!

2008 Upper Deck Sweet Spot:
72.  Mark Teixeira - Angels

2010 Topps Allen & Ginter:
192.  Tom Knapp

2008 Upper Deck Baseball Heroes:
Retail Charcoal Variation:

141.  Joe Blanton - Athletics

Want the card(s) in the stack?  Act fast - tell me which card you will send me off my want list in the comments below!  If no one claims this card within a reasonable amount of time (a few hours up to a few days, depending) - I'll add another card to the stack and the process will start again!

Previously Claimed Trade Stacks:
Stack 1:  2 cards by dayf
Stack 2:  8 cards by Justin
Stack 3:  17 cards by Cam
Stack 4:  4 cards by Cam
Stack 5:  9 cards by Daily Dimwit
Stack 6:  4 cards by The Lost Collector
Stack 7:  1 card by Baseball Dad
Stack 8:  1 card by M. Spiegel
Stack 9:  ?? by ??
